miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016

The Füneral Coffee // The Insomniac Collective "¡Ustedes Son Una Enfermedad, Escoria Nazi!"

This 11 septimbre the split album The Funeral Coffee // The Insomniac Collective premiered call "¡Ustedes son una enfermedad Escoria Nazi! (you are a disease, Nazi scum!) .This album with colavoracion of  No Time Records gives us four tracks of crack rock steady and folk punk and even sounds of traditional ska, is an album in which we can hear all the influence of new style trends crack, but as always an antifascist sound!

you can download from Bandcamp of SGM Records , NT Records and the bandcamp of the Füneral Coffee, is free! ialso , soon will get a collector's edition Tapes (only 25) so stay tuned !!


    The Füneral Coffee // The Insomniac Collective "¡Ustedes Son Una Enfermedad, Escoria Nazi!"